갈라디아서 연재 2강: 참고 문헌, 총론, 내용 분해

2022-10-10 12:06
□참고 문헌□

주석서[다자 대조 연구에 사용된 주석서들]

1. Aland, K., et al, ed., The Greek New Testament. London : United Bible Societies, 1966.
2. Alford, Henry, The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians(The New Testament for English Readers. Vol. 3). Michigan: Baker Book House, 1983, Rep.
3. Barclay, W., the Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians. Edinburgh: The Saint Andrew Press, 1966.
4. Barlow, G., Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Ⅰ.-Ⅱ. Thessalonians(The Preacher’s Complete Homiletic Commentary. Vol.10). Michigan: Baker Book House, 1980, Rep.
5. Bengel, John Albert, Bengel’s New Testament Commentary, Vol. 2. trans. by C. T. Lewis and M. R. Vincent. Michigan: Kregel Publications, 1981.
6. Berry, G. R., Greek-English Lexicon to the New Testament in Interlinear Greek-English New Testament. Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1971.
7. Blackwelder, O. F., The Epistle to the Galatians(The Interpreter’s Bible, Vol. 10). New York: Abingdon Press, 1957.
8. Boice, James Montgomery, Galatians(The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Vol. 10). Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1981.
9. Burton, E. D., A Critical And Exegetical Commentary on The Epistle To The Galatians(The International Critical Commentary). Edinburg: T. & T. Clark, 1921.
10. Clarke, A., Commentary on the Bible. abridged by R. Earle. Michigan: Baker Book House, 1980, 12th.
11. Cobbin, I., ed., Barns’ Notes on the New Testament. Michigan: Kregel Publications, 1982. Rep.
12. Cole, R. A., The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians(Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, 19). Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1980, Tenth Printing.
13. Dake, F. J., Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible. Georgia: DBS, 1979, 11th.
14. Dayton W. T., The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians(Th Wesleyan Bible Commentary, Vol. Ⅵ.). Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1966.
15. Dewolf, L. H., Galatians: A Letter for Today. Michigan: Eerdmans, 1971.
16. Dow, J., Galatians(The Abingdon Bible Commentary). New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, 1912
17. Duncan, G. S., The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians. MNTC. New York: Happer and Brothers, 1938.
18. Findlay, George G., Galatians, Epistle To The(Th International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, Vol. Ⅱ). Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1956. Rep.
19. Harrison, E. F., The Epistle To The Galatians(The Wycliff Bible Commentary). Chicago: Moody Press, 1979, 7th.
20. Hendriksen, W., Exposition of Galatians. Michigan: Baker Book House, 1975.
21. Henry, M., Commentary, Vol. Ⅵ. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company.
22. Huxtable, E., Galatians(The Pulpit Commentary, 20). Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1962, Rep.
23. Knox, J., Galatians, Letter To The(The Interpreter’s Dictionary of The Bible, Vol. 2). New York: Abingdon Press, 1962.
24. Lenski, R. C. H., The Interpretation of St. Paul’s Epistles to the Galatians, Ephesians and Philippians. Minnesota: Augsburg Publishing House, 1961.
25. Lightfoot, J. B., Saint Paul’s To The Galatians. London: Macmillan & Co., 1910.
26. Marshall, A., The R. S. V. Interlinear Greek-English New Testament: The Nestle Greek Text with a Literal English Translation. London: Samuel Bagsterand Sons Limited 72 Marylebone Lane, 1972.
27. Martin R. P., Galatians(The Daily Commentary, Vol. 4). St. Paul’s Press Ltd. 1974.
28. Mikolaski, S. J., Galatians(The New Bible Commentary Revised). London: Inter-Varsity Press, 1976.
29. Pelikan, J., ed., Lectures on Galatians, 1935: Luther’s Works, Vol. 26, 27, trans. by J. Pelikan. Missouri: Concordia Publishing House, 1963.
30. Perowne, E. H., ed., The Epistle to the Galatians(The Cambridge Bible Commentary on The New English Bible). Cambridge: At The University Press, 1965.
31. Ramsay, W. M., A Historical Commentary on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1899.
32. Rendall, F., The Epistle of Paul to The Galatians(The Expositer’s Greek Testament, Vol. Ⅴ) Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
33. Roustio, Edward R, The Epistle To the Galatians(Liberty Bible Commentary on The New Testament). New York: Thomas Nelson Inc. Publishers, 1978.
34. Sanders J. N., Galatians(Peak’s Commentary on the Bible). Van Nostrand Reinhold(UK) Co. Ltd., 1982, Rep.
35. Sanday, W. The Epistle of Paul The Apostle To The Galatians(Ellicott’s Commentary on The Whole Bible, Vol. Ⅶ). Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1970, Rep.
36. Stamm, R. T., The Epistle to the Galatians: Introduction and Exegesis(The Interpreter’s Bible, Vol. 12). New York: Abingdon Press, 1957.
37. Tenney, M. C., Galatians: The Character of Christian Liberty. Grand Rapids. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1978.
38. Torrance, D. W. & Torrance, T. F., ed., Calvin’s New Testament Commentaries, 11. trans. by T. H. L. Parker. Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Rep.
39. Wesley, J., Explanatory Note’s Upon the New Testament. New York: Carlton and Phillips, 1855.
40. Beth, H. D., 갈라디아서(國際聖書註釋 37). 번역실 譯. 서울: 한국신학연구소, 1992, 3판.
41. Erdman, C. R., 신약성서 강해. 공역. 서울: 대한기독교서회, 1972, 4판.
42. Martin, W. G. M., “갈라디아서” in Davidson, F., ed., 신‧구약 성경 주석(IVF판). 번역진 역. 서울: 聖書敎材刊行社, 1912.
43. Meyer, F. B., 舊·新約聖書靈解 6(행-엡). 이성호 역. 서울: 聖志社, 1976.
44. 內村監三, 內村監三聖書註解全集, (12권). 이성호 역. 서울: 聖志社, 1975.
45. 米田豊, 신약 강해. 이성호 역. 서울: 혜문사, 1972, 7판.
46. 黑崎幸吉, 新約聖書注解, 로마서‧갈라디아서. 곽철영 역. 서울: 第一出版社, 196?.
47. 박윤선, 바울서신주석. 서울: 靈音社, 1979, 14판.
48. 윤성범, 갈라디아서‧에베소서. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1959, 5판.
49. 이상근, 신약주해, 갈라디아서‧에베소서. 대한예수교장로회 총회교육부, 1978, 6판.
50. 최세창, 고린도전서. 서울: 글벗사, 1994, 재판.
51. 최세창, 고린도후서. 서울: 글벗사, 1994.
52. 최세창, 골로새서․빌레몬서. 서울: 글벗사, 19931, 3판.
53. 최세창, 데살로니가전․후서. 서울: 글벗사, 1991, 재판.
54. 최세창, 디모데전․후서․디도서. 서울: 글벗사, 1992, 3판.
55. 최세창, 로마서. 서울: 글벗사, 19921, 재판.
56. 최세창, 마가복음. 서울: 글벗사, 1991.
57. 최세창, 베드로전․후서. 서울: 글벗사, 1995.
58. 최세창, 빌립보서. 서울: 글벗사, 1992, 3판.
59. 최세창, 야고보서. 서울: 글벗사, 1990, 4판.
60. 최세창, 에베소서. 서울: 글벗사, 1992, 3판.
61. K. Barth, The Epistle To The Romans, trans. by E. C. Hoskyns. London: Oxford University Press, 1972, Sixth Edition.

일반 도서[참고한 대백과 사전과 신학서들]

1. Allen, Roland, The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church. Michigan: Wm B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1963, Rep.
2. Barclay, W., Ambassador for Christ. The Saint Andrew Press, 1973.
3. Barclay, W., and Jesus said. The Saint Andrew Press, 1972, Rep.
4. Barth, K., Dogmatics in Outline. trans. by G. T. Thomon. SCM Press Ltd, 1966.
5. Beare, F. W., Paul & His Letters. New York: Abingdon Press, 1971.
6. Bornkamm, G., Paul. trans. by D. M. G. Stalker. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1972.
7. Bruce, F. F., Paul & Jesus. Michigan: Baker Book House, 1974.
8. Bultmann, R., Theology of the New Testament. trans. by K. Grobel. Vol. 1. New York: Charles Scribner’s Son, 1954.
9. Buttrick, G. A., ed., The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, Vol. 1-4. New York: Abingdon Press, 1962.
13. Buttrick, G. A., ed., The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, Supplementary Vol. New York: Abingdon Press, 1976.
14. Davies, W. D., Paul and Rabbinic Judaism. New York: Happer& Row, 1967.
15. Deissmann, A., Paul. trans. by W. E. Wilson. Peter Smith, 1972.
16. Dodd, C. H., The Meaning of Paul for Today. London: Collins Clear-Type Press, 1971.
17. Dodd, C. H., The Parables of the Kingdom. London: Collins Clear-Type Press, 1971. Seventh Impression.
18. Ebeling, Gerhard, The Nature of Faith. trans. by Ronald Gregor Smith. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1980. Third Printing.
19. Ellis, E. E., Paul and His Recent Interpreters. Michigan: Eerdmans, 1968.
20. Goodspeed, E. J., Paul. New York: Abingdon Press, 1947.
21. Jamison, L., Light for the Gentiles. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press.
22. Käsemann, E., Perspective on Paul. trans. by Margart Kohl. London: S. C. M. Press, 1971.
23. Keil and F. Delitzsch. Commentary on the Old Testament. Vol. 1. trans. by J. Martin. Michigan: Grand Rapids.
24. Kennedy, H. A. A., The Theology of The Epistles. London: Duckworth, 1959.
25. Kittel, G., ed., Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Vol. 1-10. trans. by G. W. Bromiley. Michigan: Grand Rapids, 1968.
35. Knox, J., Chapters in a Life Paul. New York: Abingdon Press.
36. Lillie, William, The Law of Christ. Edinburgh: The Saint Andrew Press, 1966, Revised Edition.
37. Longenecker, R., The Ministry and Message of Paul. Michigan: Zondervan, 1973.
38. Lüthi, W. and Thurneysen., Preaching, Confession, The Lord’s Supper. trans. by F. J. Brooke. Virginia: John Knox Press, 1960.
39. Ⅰ Maccabee; A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Goldstein, Jonathan A.(The Anchor Bible, Vol. 41). New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1981. Fifth Printing.
40. Ⅱ Maccabees; A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Goldstein, Jonathan A.(The Anchor Bible, Vol. 42). New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc.,1984. Second Printing.
41. Machen, J. G., The Origin of Paul’s Religion. Michigan: Eerdmans, 1973.
42. McNeill, J. T., ed., Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol. 1. translated and indexed by L. Battles. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1973.
43. McNeill, J. T., ed., Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol. 2. translated and indexed by L. Battles. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1973.
44. Niebuhr, R., The Nature and Destiny of Man. Vol. 1. New York: Charle Scribners, 1964.
45. Niebuhr, R., The Nature and Destiny of Man. Vol. 2. New York: Charle Scribners, 1964.
46. Orr, J. ed., The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, Vol. Ⅰ-Ⅴ. Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1978.
51. Pannenberg, W., What is Man? trans. by D. A. Priebe. Philadelphia: Fortress Press.
52. Robertson, A. T., Paul's Joy in Christ. Michigan: Baker, 1970.
53. Robinson, J. A. T., The Body. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1919.
54. Russel, L. M., Christian Education in Mission. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press.
55. Schmithals, W., An Introduction to the Theology of Rudolf Bultmann. trans. by J. Bowden. Minnesota: Augsburg, 1968.
56. Schoeps, H. J., Paul. trans. by H. Knight. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1961.
57. Schweitzer, A., Paul and His Interpreters. trans. by W. Montgomery. London: Adam & Charles Black. 1956.
58. Schweitzer, A., The Mysticism of Paul the Apostle. trans. by W. Montgomery. London: Adam & Charles Black. 1965.
59. Schweitzer, E., The Good News According to Mark. trans. by D. H. Madrig. London: S. P. C. K. 1970.
60. Sellers, J. Theological Ethics. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1968.
61. Starkey, Lycurgus M., The Work of The Holy Spirit: A Study in Wesleyan Theology. New York: Abingdon Press, 1962.
62. Stendahl, K., Paul among Jews And Gentiles. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1967.
63. Stewart, J. S., A Man in Christ. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1964.
64. Teikmanis, Arthur L., Preaching and Pastoral Care. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1964.
65. The Wisdom of Ben Sira: A New Translation with Notes by Skehan, Patrick W. and Introduction and Commentary by Di Lella, Alexander A.(The Anchor Bible,Vol.39). New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1987.
66. The Wisdom of Solomon: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Winston, David(The Anchor Bible, Vol. 43). New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1982, Third Printing.
67. Thomas, W. H. G., Ministerial Life And Work. Michigan: Baker Book House, 1974.
68. Vos, G., The Pauline Eschatology. Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1972.
69. Barclay, W., 바울의 인간과 사상. 서기산 역. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1965.
70. Barth, K., 휴매니즘과 문화. 박봉랑·전경연 편. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1970.
71. Berkhof, L., 성경 해석학. 김진홍·김의환 역. 서울: 영음사, 1970, 3판.
72. Boers, Hendrikus, 신약성경 신학이란 무엇인가? 김제홍 역. 서울: 새순출판사, 1992.
73. Bultmann, R., 성서의 실존론적 이해. 유동식·허혁 역. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1969.
74. Burrows, Millar, 聖書神學總論. 유동식·허혁 역. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1967.
75. Cannon, William Ragsdale, 웨슬레 신학. 전종옥 역. 서울: 기감 총리원 교육국, 1967, 재판.
76. Dibelius, M., 바울. 전경연 역. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1965.
77. Dodd, C. H., 聖經의 現代的 意義. 엄요섭·추성칠 역. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1958.
78. Fritsch, C. T., 창세기. 문익환 역. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1972, 4판.
79. Grant, Robert M., 聖書 解釋의 歷史. 이상훈 역. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1969.
80. Harrison, Everett F., 新約槪論. 정성구 역. 서울: 세종문화사, 1966.
81. Hendriksen, William, 來世論. 오성종 역. 서울: 새순출판사, 1992, 6판.
82. Horn, Siegfrid H., 성서 고고학입문. Johnston, Robert M. and 오강남 역. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1972, 3판.
83. Jeremias, Joachim, 신약신학. 정충하 역. 서울: 새순출판사, 1992, 3판.
84. Koch, Klaus, 聖書註釋의 諸方法. 허혁 역. 경북: 분도出版社, 1975.
85. Neve, J. L., 기독교 교리사. 서남동 역. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1974.
86. Niesel, W., 칼빈의 신학. 이종성 역. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1973.
87. Peper, O. A., 성령, 처녀 탄생, 돈. 전경연·강한표·이상택 역. 서울: 향린사, 1973.
88. Ramm, Bernerd, 聖經解釋學. 권혁봉 역. 서울: 생명의 말씀사, 1984, 7판.
89. Ramsay, Wm. M., 사도 바울. 박우석 역. 서울: 생명의 말씀사, 1988.
90. Russel, D. S., 신구약 중간 시대. 임태수 역. 서울: 컨콜디아사, 1977.
91. Stuart, Douglas and Fee, Gordon D., 성경 해석 방법론. 김의원 역. 기독교문서선교회, 1987.
92. 金光植, 現代의 神學思想. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1975.
93. 金喆孫· 朴昶環· 安炳茂, 新約聖書槪論. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1991, 22판.
94. 박장균, “웨슬레의 恩寵論” in 神學과 宣敎. 서울: 서울신학대학,
95. 박창환, 성경의 형성사. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1981, 12판.
96. 송흥국, 요한 웨슬레. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1975, 6판.
97. 송흥국, 웨슬레 신학과 구원론. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1975.
98. 안병무 편, 사회학적 성서 해석. 서울: 韓國神學硏究所, 1983.
99. 유형기 편, 성서사전. 서울: 기독교문화원, 1974, 8판.
100. 전경연 외 3인 공저, 신약성서신학. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1973, 6판.
101 全景淵· 池東植· 金龍玉· 金喆孫, 新約聖書槪論. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1965. 4판.
102. 정경옥, 基督敎의 原理. 서울: 기감총리원교육국, 단기 4290, 3판.
103. 조선출 편, 그리스도교 대사전. 서울: 大韓基督敎書會, 1978, 4판.
104. 조종남 편, 神學과 宣敎. 서울: 서울신학대학 출판부. 1972.
105. 지원용, 루터의 사상. 서울: 컨콜디아사, 1971, 3판.
106. 홍현설, 우리가 고백하는 신앙. 서울: 기독교대한감리회 총리원, 1968.

차 례

제1부 총 론

Ⅰ. 저자 ·························································································23
Ⅱ. 대상 ························································································26Ⅲ. 내용 및 특징 ··········································································30
Ⅳ. 기록 연대와 장소 ···································································34

제2부 내용 분해

Ⅰ. 소개와 인사(1:1-5) ··································································37
Ⅱ. 바울의 사도권(1:6-2:21) ·························································56
A. 다른 복음 전파자에 대한 경고[1:6-10]·······························56
B. 계시에 의한 복음과 사도 됨[1:11-17] ·······························69
C. 교회와 무관한 사도직[1:18-24] ··········································78
D. 예루살렘 회의[2:1-10] ·························································91
E. 베드로에 대한 책망[2:11-14] ············································106
F. 믿음의 개요[2:15-21] ·························································111
Ⅲ. 복음과 율법(3:1-4:31) ···························································123
A. 믿음이냐 율법이냐[3:1-5] ·················································123
B. 아브라함의 예[3:6-9] ·························································130
C. 율법의 저주와 믿음의 복[3:10-14] ···································137
D. 율법이 폐할 수 없는 약속[3:15-18] ·································145
E. 율법의 효용성[3:19-22] ·····················································150
F. 믿음의 도래[3:23-29] ·························································161
G. 자녀의 신분[4:1-7] ····························································172
H. 초등 학문을 버려라[4:8-11] ·············································182
I. 사랑의 호소[4:12-20] ··························································187
J. 육체의 자손과 약 속의 자손[4:21-31] ······························202
Ⅳ. 복음에 합당한 생활(5:1-6:10) ··············································213
A. 그리스도께서 주신 자유[5:1] ············································213
B. 사랑으로 역사하는 믿음[5:2-6] ········································215
C. 진리를 확신하라[5:7-12] ···················································224
D. 사랑의 종노릇을 위한 자유[5:13-15] ·······························232
E. 영과 육의 갈등[5:16-26] ···················································237
F. 짐을 지라[6:1-5] ································································252
G. 심는 대로 거둠[6:6-10] ······································260
Ⅴ. 맺음말(6:11-18) ·····································································268
A. 참 자랑거리[6:11-17] ························································268
B. 축도[6:18] ······················································277

출처: 최세창, 갈라디아서, 에베소서(서울: 글벗사, 2002, 2판 2쇄), pp. 8-21.

필자의 newrema.com(T. 426-3051)의 저서 및 역서 :
# 신약 주석(마~계, 1-15권)/ Salvation Before Jesus Came/ 바울의 인간 이해/ 바울의 열세 서신/ 예수 탄생 이전의 구원/ 우린 신유의 도구/ 다수의 논문들/ 난해 성구 사전 I, II권/ 설교집 35권/ 기타 다수
# 번역서 : 예수의 비유(W. Barclay 著)/ 야고보서(A. Barnes 著)



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