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2015-09-09 15:41
□다자 대조 연구에 사용된 문헌□ / 내용 분해


1. Aland, K., et al,ed.,The Greek New Testament. London: united Bible Societies, 1966.
2. Alford, H, The New Testament for English Readers, Vol. 3). Michigan: Baker Book House, 1983, Rep.
3. Barclay, W., The Letters To Timothy, Titus and Philemon. Edinburg: The Saint Andrew Press, 1965, Forth Impression.
4. Barlow, G.,Ⅰ-Ⅱ Timothy, Titus, Philemon(The Preacher’s Complete Homiletic Commentary. Vol. 9). Michigan: Baker Book House, 1980, Reprinted.
5. Barry, A., The Epistle to Philemon(Ellicott’s Commentary on The Whole Bible, Vol. Ⅷ). Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1970, Rep.
6. Bengel, J. A., Bengel’s New Testament Commentary, Vol. 2. trans. by C. T. Lewis and M. R. Vincent. Michigan Michigan: Kregel Publications, 1981.
7. Berry, G. R., Greek-English Lexicon to the New Testament in Interlinear Greek-English New Testament Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1971.
8. Buttrick, G. A., The Epistle to Philemon: Exposition(The Interpreter’s Bible, Vol. 11). New York: Abingdon Press, 1955.
9. Carson, H. M., The Epistles of Paul to the Collossians and Philemon(The Tyndale New Testament Commentary, Vol. 12). Michigan: Wm B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1981, Rep.
10. Clarke, A., Commentary on the Bible. abridged by R. Earle Michigan: Baker Book House, 1980, 12th.
11. Cobbin, I., ed., Barns’ Notes on the New Testament. Michigan: Kregel Publications, 1982. Rep.
12. Dake, F. J., Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible. Georgia: DBS, 1979, 11th.
13. Dodd, C. H., Philemon(The Abingdon Bible Commentary). New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, 1912.
14. Eales, S. J., Philemon(The Pulpit Commentary,21). Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1962, Reprinted.
15. Ellis, E. E., The Epistle to Philemon(The Wycliff Bible Commentary). Chicago: Moody Press, 1979, 7th.
16. Failing, G. E., The Epistle of Paul to Philemon(The Wesleyan Bible Commentary, Vol.5). Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1965.
17. Guthrie, D., Philemon(The New Bible Commentary Revised). London: Inter-Varsity Press, 1976.
18. Hendriksen, W., Exposition of Colossians and Philemon. Michigan: Baker Book House, 1975, 4th.
19. Henry, M., Commentary, Vol. Ⅵ. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company.
20. Knox, J., The Epistle to Philemon: Introduction and Exegesis(The Interpreter’s Bible, Vol. 11). New York: Abingdon Press, 1955.
21. Lenski, R. C. H., The Interpretation of St. Paul’s Epistles to the Colossians, to the Thessalonians, to Timothy, toTitus and to Philemon Minnesota: Augsburg Publishing House, 1961.
22. Lewis, C. S., Philemon, Epistle To(The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia,Vol. Ⅳ). Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1978, Rep.
23. Lyman, M. E., Philemon, Letter To(The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, Vol, 3). New York: Abingdon Press, 1962.
24. Marshall, A., The R. S. V. Interlinear Greek-English New Testament: The Nestle Greek Text with a Literal English Translation. London: Samuel Bagsterand Sons Limited 72 Marylebone Lane, 1972.
25. Morris, L., Ⅰ Timothy-James(The Daily Commentary, Vol. 4). St. Paul’s Press Ltd. 1974.
26. Moule, C. F. D., Colossians and Philemon(The Peak’s Commentary on The Bible). Van Nostrand Reinhold(UK) Co. Ltd., 1982, Rep.
27. Rupprecht, A. A., Philemon(The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Vol. 11). Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1978.
28. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible Indiana: B. B. Kirkbride Bible Co., Ine. 1964.
29. Thompson, G. H. P., The Letters of Paul to the Ephesians, to the Colossians and to Philemon(The Cambridge Bible Commentary on The New English Bible). Cambridge: AtThe Unive rsity Press, 1967.
30. Torrance, D. W. & Torrance, T. F., ed., Calvin’s New Testament Commentaries, 10. trans. by A. T. Smail. Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1973, Rep.
31. Vincent, M. R., The Epistle to the Philippians and Philemon(The International Critical Commentary). Edinburg: T. & T. Clark, 1973.
32. Wemp, C. S., Ⅰ-Ⅱ Timothy, Titus, Philemon(Liberty Bible Commentary on The New Testament). New York: Thomas Nelson Inc. Publishers, 1978.
33. Erdman, C. R., 신약성서 강해. 공역, 서울: 대한기독교서회, 1972, 4판.
34. Meyer, F. B., 舊·新約聖書靈解 7(빌-계). 이성호 역. 서울: 聖志社, 1978.
35. Nielson, J. B., 빌레몬서(비콘聖經註釋, 9). 공역. 서울: 보이스사, 1981.
36. Robertson, T. E., 빌레몬서(新舊約 聖書 註釋). 공역. 서울: 성서 교재 간행사, 1979.
37. Stuhlmacher, P., 필레몬서(國際聖書註釋, 39). 번역실역. 서울: 國際神學硏究所, 1988.
38. Wesley, J., 新約聖書註解(下). 金喆孫·鄭晋慶 공역. 서울: 韓國敎育圖書出版社, 1977.
39. 米田豊, 新約 講解. 이성호 역. 서울: 혜문사, 1972, 7판.
40. 黑崎幸吉, 바울 소서신. 곽철영 역. 서울: 第一出版社, 1968, 3판.
41. 박윤선, 바울 서신 주석. 서울: 靈音社, 1979, 14판.
42. 박창환, 빌립보서, 골로새서, 빌레몬서. 서울: 기독교서회, 1960.
43. 이상근, 옥중서신. 대한예수교장로회 총회 교육부, 1981, 12판.
44. 최세창, 갈라디아서. 서울: 글벗사, 1997, 2판 1쇄.
45. 최세창, 고린도전서. 서울: 글벗사, 1994, 1판 2쇄.
46. 최세창, 고린도후서. 서울: 글벗사, 1994.
47. 최세창, 골로새서. 서울: 글벗사, 19931, 1판 3쇄.
48. 최세창, 데살로니가전·후서. 서울: 글벗사, 1991, 1판 2쇄.
49. 최세창, 디모데전·후서·디도서. 서울: 글벗사, 1992, 1판 3쇄.
50. 최세창, 로마서. 서울: 글벗사, 19921, 1판 2쇄.
51. 최세창, 마가복음. 서울: 글벗사, 1991.
52. 최세창, 베드로전·후서. 서울: 글벗사, 1995.
53. 최세창, 빌립보서. 서울: 글벗사, 1992, 1판 3쇄.
54. 최세창, 야고보서. 서울: 글벗사, 1997. 2판 1쇄
55. 최세창, 에베소서. 서울: 글벗사, 1992, 1판 3쇄.
56. 최세창, 요한일·이·삼·유다서. 서울: 글벗사, 1997.

내용 분해

제1부 총 론

Ⅰ. 저자 ·································································································383
Ⅱ. 대상 ·································································································385
Ⅲ. 내용 및 특징 ···················································································386
Ⅳ. 기록 연대와 장소 ···········································································387

제2부 내용 분해

Ⅰ. 시작하는 말(1:1-7) ·········································································389
A. 소개와 인사[1:1-3] ······································································389
B. 감사와 기도[1:4-7] ·······································································392
Ⅱ. 오네시모에 대한 사랑(1:8-22) ························································399
A. 오네시모를 위한 간청[1:8-14] ····················································399
B. 오네시모와 바울 자신을 위한 부탁[1:15-22] ·····························404
Ⅲ. 끝맺는 말(1:23-25) ········································································413
A. 문안[1:23-24] ················································································413
B. 축도[1:25] ······················································································414

ㅡ최세창, 목회서신, 빌레몬서(서울: 글벗사, 2002년, 2판 2쇄), pp. 377-381.ㅡ

전체 3

  • 2015-09-09 22:40

    목사님 감사해요.

  • 2015-09-10 09:30

    민 목사님, 필자의 빌레몬서 주석에 관심을 보여서 감사합니다.

  • 2015-09-11 20:19

    # 일반 학계와 신학계의 모든 분야에 있어서 진보와 보수의 많은 대가들과 전문가들의 견해를 섭렵하면서 다자 대조 연구를 한 책들(논문들)의 장점은 저자처럼, 독자들도 제시된 여러 견해들로 보다 더 깊고 폭넓은 지식을 갖출 수 있고, 또한 제시된 여러 견해들을 종합한 견해를 도출하거나 취사선택하거나 새로운 견해를 창안할 수 있다는 것이다.

번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회
공지사항 관리자 2014.10.22 72310
공지사항 관리자 2010.12.29 70683
13806 함창석 2024.05.16 12
13805 엄재규 2024.05.14 190
13804 이현석 2024.05.13 130
13803 함창석 2024.05.13 71
13802 최세창 2024.05.11 100
13801 함창석 2024.05.10 84
13800 원형수 2024.05.08 159
13799 함창석 2024.05.06 130
13798 홍일기 2024.05.04 175
13797 엄재규 2024.05.03 265
13796 최세창 2024.05.03 125
13795 송신일 2024.04.30 149
13794 민관기 2024.04.30 176
13793 함창석 2024.04.30 87
13792 원형수 2024.04.29 275
13791 홍일기 2024.04.29 184
13790 최세창 2024.04.25 216
13789 이주헌 2024.04.24 172
13788 박상철 2024.04.24 181
13787 함창석 2024.04.22 187